National &
International Speaker

Being a Christian isn't about being religious or political; it's simply falling in love with Jesus. We're ordinary people with ordinary life situations and ordinary problems, joining together for an extraordinary experience in the presence of the Lord. We have no magic answers. No secret formulas. Just simple faith and trust in who Jesus is, His world view and what He came to do.
Not only do we love Jesus, but we love our local community also and want to share its successes and help in its struggles. Simply, we believe in community. We come together every Sunday morning at 11am, and on Tueday nights for discipling, in a diverse environment for those who simply want to worship, learn, and know more about Christ.

“If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95% of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference… .” AW Tozer 1897-1963
Our prayer is if the Holy Spirit is not welcome in our church, that our church would fall apart at the seams!